Who is Marimar?
OK, so you read about my qualifications, education and some of my past projects but we all know that it takes more than a good academic background to be able to help clients achieve what the aim for.
It takes a lot of effort, a lot of learning from mistakes made in the past and a lot of determination and enthusiasm.
This page will let you know at a glance what professional skills I have developed throughout my working life and I can assure you I use them all to help your business get where you want it to be!

Professional Skills
Creative approach.
Diplomatic interpersonal skills.
Good ability to explain and deliver SEO insight in a clear and non-technical manner to non-SEO experts.
Use SEO best practices and techniques.
Aware of the ever-changing search engine technologies and SEO methods and news.
Highly organized with a logical approach to managing work volume and priorities.
Proactive to make suggestions and recommendations.
Focused on delivering the agreed client strategy.

Personal Skills
I deliver all projects with an open smile. Ask my references!
I think outside the box.
Easygoing and friendly.

Some interests
Sociology and anthropology. Women's issues & inequalities.
Travelling, navigation and orienteering.
Reading, writing, independent cinema and lots of different styles of music.
Hill-walking, hiking, cycling, scuba-diving, snorkeling and racket sports.
Crafts and international cooking.
Enjoying quality time with friends and family.
Scandinavian culture.
Gabriel García-Márquez.
I'm an amateur video maker and editor. I've also written scripts for a couple of short films!
I'm an associate at Rato Baltin Project where we help eradicate chhaupadi in Nepal and a child sponsor at Fundación Vicente Ferrer